Aquatec Industries
About Aquatec Industries
Anyone in search of a genuine Dutch launch or cruiser has come to the right place. Dutch yachtbuilders are known for producing the highest quality and Aquatec Industries shows why. The Antaris, Makma and Maril launches are entirely designed and constructed in the Netherlands. Even the GRP for the hulls is manufactured in this small country.
The most beaurtiful showroom of the Netherlands
To provide watersport enthusiasts with a good impression of its range, Aquatec Industries has the most impressive showroom in the Netherlands. All models can be viewed in their natural habitat, in the water, allowing interested visitors to step onboard at once and take a test sail through the idyllic Woudsend landscape. If the launch feels comfortable and stable but needs a few small adjustments to fully meet its prospective owner’s wishes, the yard can make all necessary alterations on site. In fact, all launches can be built according to the client’s specific requirements. If you enjoy sailing in the Netherlands and its neighbouring countries, you also need look no further for maintenance, service and winter storage. Aquatec Industries and its dealers offer the total package. Alongside a large dealer network in the Netherlands, Aquatec is also represented in Germany, the UK England and Sweden.